T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

D O W N T O W N   S E A T T L E

Monday, July 12, 2004

I greet the morning with a zest for life, and as I make my way through my morning routine, I feel a tugging, a growing need one could say, to take a little bike ride. As luck would have it, a little tour of downtown Seattle is dead center on my radar screen. After eating breakfast and packing my backpack, I mount my aluminum steed and proceeded to ride the hills of Downtown Seattle.

I've been to Seattle before and know full-well that it's built on the side of a hill which adds to its appeal and visual attractiveness. I would think one could easily pick out native Seattle folk by the size of their calf muscles, with all that walking about up the hills, the locals certainly must pack on extra muscle mass to the area between the foot and the knee. Well, I'll just have to keep an eye open and test this theory of mine, it seems like good science to me.

My tour is in full swing now, click here to get the skinny on my little downtown adventure.

The tour was fun, but, famishing, especially in the thirst department. It's now just past 9pm but I manage to find an open Thai takeout joint that offers a free drink with every order. Hmmm, sounds good to me. By the time my food order arrives I realize my free orange soda has already been consumed, but much to my surprise my thirst still remains.

So with order in hand I walk across the way to Safeway and buy a large bottle of Chocolate Quick to quickly put an end to my thirst. I notice a small park close by so I settle down there to eat and drink my fill. After dinner I decide to set my sights on any bar that looks inviting, has live music, and sells beer. Probably the beer requirement is the most important of the three I would think.

Fortunately I don't have to look very long or very far. I spy a nice little bar called Hopvine Pub just down the way, a stone's throw away from Safeway, right on 15th Avenue E. Live music is playing as I walk in the door and the beer I tip-back soon thereafter is pretty darn good.

While webmastering my website and listening to the band I have the good fortune to meet a chap named Ted. He proves to be an interesting character, worthy of a profile. Actually I'm happy he agrees to be my second "person met" victim... er ...trip statistic.

I chat with Ted until 1am, effectively closing the bar. I don't really care when I went to bed, it's not like I have a meeting to attend in the morning, unlike Ted. So, for as long as this trip lasts, I'm going to enjoy to the fullest my freedom from rigid schedules and deadlines.

After leaving Hopvine Pub I retire to the van and immediately fall into a semi-drunken slumber. Tomorrow is a travel day, I drive to the San Juan Islands.

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Somewhere in Central Colorado
Indian Petroglyph, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Vermont Countryside
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island
Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, CA
Grand Tetons, WY atop an observation tower
Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC