T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

S A N   J U A N   I S L A N D

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Up and at'em to a breakfast of oatmeal and scrambled eggs, but not to just any eggs. This morning I've incorporated baked beans to the mix to give me the extra boost I'll need for my up and coming road bike tour of the island. And, of course, I smother it all in ketchup, the little known 6th major food group. I use this food group all the time on anything and everything.

I'm all suited up and ready to go. Since I'll be riding 50 miles or more today, I've filled my camelpack to the gills, its sporting two water bladders. I'll be touring the island in a counterclockwise direction, starting and ending at Friday Harbor. The weather is a perfect 75 degrees and the sun is peeking in and out of the clouds.

Click here for more details (including pictures) on my bike ride of San Juan Island.

Returning from the ride I quickly cleaned myself up then cooked a meal of steamed vegetables and ground turkey. After I finish dinner and clean up the mess I created in cooking it all, I head down the street to the town's center in search of some suds.

During my search I encounter this little dog sitting atop a motorcycle. It's a rather odd sight, odd enough to be considered my site's seventh oddity.

For the evening I end up hanging out at Herb's Tavern. They're in full-karaoke swing now, some of which isn't half bad. In the midst of listening to the live, impromptu music and drinking my beer, I webmaster the site. I'm still way behind in my postings but I'm slowly catching up.

I stay for 2 hours then head back to the van to crash. The ride was draining, I'm not used to biking as far as I did today. But I'm slowly getting into better shape and for that I am thankful. Tomorrow I leave the island and road trip it to Vancouver, BC. Never been there before, looking forward to the visit.

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Feisty Bird, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Yale Lake, WA
Great Smoky Mountains, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
The Badlands, SD
Long Neglected Boat, Newport City, OR
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA