I wake early in the morning and quickly formulate a plan to drive out to the Badlands. I want to get out of Rapid City, SD as soon as possible due to an earlier run-in I had with the town's police. I've pressing my luck having overnighted again. Today my route will take me due east then due south. The trip itself will be a short one and I'm hoping to fit in a bike ride before sundown.
The drive starts out pretty boring, watching paint dry on a wall would have beeen more interesting.
Then a curious thing starts to happen. There are all these signs for Wall Drug popping up along the road side. I swear, there must have been more than 50 signs along the stretch of highway between Rapid City, SD and Wall, SD. Normally I don't pay much attention to highway billboards but Wall Drug is so persistent with their advertising it piques my interest. I mean what could be so interesting about a drug store?
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