T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

R O A D   T R I P   T O   K E N T U C K Y

Thursday, November 4, 2004

The monotony of driving has gotten my goat, I'm starting to doze off. Oh, good, a rest area.

I pull in, park the van, then nap for 3 solid hours.

Upon waking, I quickly discover my mood has lifted, and to my great pleasure, the weather's mood has lifted as well. I guess we both just needed a little timeout from each other.

Back on the road again, I notice the sun is trying to make a late afternoon appearance.

With much effort it finally succeeds. The second photo is kinda neat, its focus is on the glass and not the road ahead. The unusually bright lighting conditions must be causing this.

Traffic starts to get a bit crowded after a while. This must be a major corridor for trucking. In the distance I see an interesting formation of fog in the hills on up ahead.

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Pack Horse, Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ
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Cody Nite Rodeo, Cody, WY
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