T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

C H I L L I N   I N   G L A S G O W ,   K Y

Friday, November 5, 2004

After a really cold night, I wake to a sun-drenched morning around 10am. I'm kinda bummed about having to wait until tomorrow to visit Mammoth Cave National Park. You see, the tour I'm interested in is all sold out today, and was booked solid a few days in advance. To convey to you my displeasure, I contort myself in my broken camping mirror. Ahhh, that feels a little better. Nothing like a little distortion to get things off one's chest.

I guess I'll just hang out in the Walmart parking lot today and try to make myself useful.

I know, I can work in my bikes. Lord knows, they can use the attention. I've gathered all the parts and am ready to go.

First thing first, I have to take the bikes off the rack. I first lubricate the combination padlock that's used to secure the bikes to the rack.

Focusing first on my mountain bike, as you can see, it needs a new rear tire. It really took a beating when I rode it down the ski slopes at Whiteface Mountain in NY. I was pretty much skidding all the way down.

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Indian Petroglyph, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Southern Stingray, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Couple atop Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Steel Moose, Lake Placid, NY
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC