P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

Y E L L O W S T O N E   N A T I O N A L   P A R K
N O R R I S   G E Y S E R   B A S I N

Northwestern Wyoming

The last exhibit of my tour is Emerald Spring. "The magnificent color of Emerald Spring comes from the water reflecting blue wavelengths of sunlight combined with the yellow of the sulfur-coated pool. The water in this 27-foot deep pool is so hot, close to boiling, that only the most heat-tolerant thermopiles can survive."

At the trailhead on my way back to the van I notice these three vending machines. It appears Coca-Cola has diversified their product-line to include both water and buffalo milk.

In summary, my tour of the Norris Geyser Basin was both fun and colorful. Its amazing to me all the different colors one can see here, all naturally occurring. Additionally, some of the spouting geysers were nice as well.

I give my tour of the Norris Geyser Basin a solid 5 thumbs-up, a perfect rating.

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Avid Photographer, Public Garden, Boston, MA
Randle, WA
Atop the 120 Meter Tower, Ski Jumping Complex, Lake Placid, NY
Bighorn National Forest, WY
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