P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

Y E L L O W S T O N E   N A T I O N A L   P A R K
O L D   F A I T H F U L   A R E A

Northwestern Wyoming

After the Ranger finishes his talk I wait a little longer. It isn't 1:17pm yet but it's getting close.

Then on cue she erupts! It's amazing, not only her timeliness but also the size of the eruption itself. The eruption lasts about 2-3 minutes. If you ever come to Yellowstone, you have to see Old Faithful. And you won't have to wait long either cuz she's one reliable geyser.

After the eruption, I follow the migrating masses out to view the rest of the area's geysers.

Here's a map of the trail.

Infant Geyser. You know what they say, a geyser's gotta squirt, before it can splash, before it can erupt. This little tyke is probably in the first stage.

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Montana Grizzly Encounters, MT
The Badlands, SD
Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Various Planes, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Funky Cable Stays on Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, Denver, CO
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
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