B I K I N G tj|tl|in|ca|st

S A N   J U A N   I S L A N D

Eastern Washington State

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bike: #4

Location: Friday Harbor, Washington

Distance: 51.2 miles

Climb Elevation: N/A

Tread: Pavement, rolling hills, some long climbs

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 51.2/3:40:52/13.9/46.5

Rating:   (5 max)

For a long time now I've heard many great things said about the San Juans in Washington State. Always being too busy to check out all the hub-bub, it's one of those "must-see" places added long ago to my vacation bucket list. Well today is the day I'll be checking it off of my list. I have plans this morning to bike San Juan Island, the largest island of the San Juans.

My ride will be a counterclockwise jaunt around the main body of the island. Near the southern part of my loop, I'll add a southern out and back dogleg to investigate the offerings of the island's southern tip. The island is fairly flat so I don't expect a whole lot of hill climbing.

This will be my trip's first ride using my road bike. As a result I get to put on those silly biker shorts which are a somewhat new thing for me. They may look a bit silly but they are very comfortable (no, I didn't shave my legs). And being a guy makes them all the more important. To assist in my effort to provide comfortable seating, the road bike has one of those "slotted" seats that prevent numbness in certain unmentionable body areas. All I know is it works, life is good.

Well, the island is beckoning me to start my ride. I've got another bike for you (sorry, it's my mountain bike). But, not to worry, I won't race on ahead and ride off without you. So hop on and let's go island touring.

Description & Pics

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Old Faithful Area, Yellowstone
Maternal Family Home - from Grandparents to Aunt and Uncle, Medina, NY
Three Gossips, Arches National Park, UT
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
My Childhood/Adolescent Home, Oakfield, NY