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W H I T E F A C E   M O U N T A I N

Adirondack State Park
Upstate New York

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Bike: #16

Location: Whiteface Mountain, New York

Distance: Approximately 3 miles downhill for each run

Climb Elevation: None, it's all downhill!!!

Tread: Lose gravel, large rocks, slick rock, dirt, straw

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 12.7/1:48:16/7:03/22.9

NOTE: Flags indicate falls, purple marks the worst one

Rating:   (5 max)

What do you get when you mix together the urge to ride a bicycle down the side of a steep mountain, little to no experience in doing such a thing, and scant regard for life or limb?

Give up?

You get ME!

Yup, you heard it right. I'm going to willingly ride my bike down a mountainface. But, my sanity hasn't been completely lost. I promise you, it'll all be done in a semi-controlled environment. You see, the ski resort at Whiteface Mountain in Adirondack State Park allows such reckless abandon, and if truth be told, they actually promote such activity.

Upon buying my lift ticket to the gondola that'll whisk my bike and me up the mountain, I learn the bike shop lends out body padding for the day. What a great idea! So, I load up with body armor and head out to the ski lift for my first jaunt up the mountainside.

I'm getting ready to load my bike into the gondola. Are you interested in trying your own hand at some extreme mountain biking? Sure you are. So hop in and let's get biking.

Description & Pics

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Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
Bizarre Bicycle, Pacific Peach, CA
French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Emerald Lake, MT
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Petrified Logs, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Merrick Butte, Monument Valley, AZ