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A C A D I A   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Central Maine Coast

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Bike: #17

Location: In Acadia National Park near Bar Harbor, Maine.

Park Website: Acadia National Park

Distance: 34 miles

Climb Elevation: 3,270 feet

Tread: Pavement

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 34/2:46:40/12.2/37

Rating:   (5 max)

With over 47,000 acres to explore, what better way to see Acadia National Park than by way of road bike. Located on Mount Desert Island, Acadia is very popular with the tourists, welcoming over 2 million folks in 2004. This national park jewel sports rugged coastlines, weather-worn mountains, hardwood and softwood forests, and a variety of scenic lakes and ponds.

My ride will take me on a clockwise tour of the island, covering many of the park's highlights, including Cadillac Mountain, Thunder Hole, Otter Cove, Eagle Lake, and many others. The weather is a bit chilly this early day in October. However, as luck would have it, a clear sky promises good visibility and ample picture taking opportunities.

I'm all saddled up and ready to go. Come along with me as I explore this national park treasure.

Description & Pics

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