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M O N T P E L I E R ,   V E R M O N T

Monday, October 4, 2004

Community: #7

City Manager's Office: 39 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602

Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm (eastern)

Phone: (802) 223-9502

Link: City Website

Population: 8,035 (2000 US Census)

Gender: 45.7% male, 54.3% female

Race: 96.6% White, 0.8% Asian, 0.6% African American, 2.0% Other

Median Income: $51,818

Rating:   (5 max)

The nation's smallest state capital, Montplier, Vermont is located within the heartland of pictureque Vermont. Providing employment for over 2,300 state employees, the city is a cradle of government activity with the architecturally pleasing State House as its central hub. Montplier's historic look and feel, intimate size, and surrounding valley give a warm, hearty welcome to those who stay for a day, a month, or a lifetime. The city is best known for its historic and architectural riches, its many institutions of higher education, its national insurance company headquarters, and its close proximity to great ski resorts like Stowe or Sugarbush.

The inevitability of my Montplier tour becomes engraved in stone when I first catch sight of the golden dome of the State House from a distance. Intriqued by its ornate structure, I decide to take a short respite from my travels and make a quick stop in Vermont's Capital. I plan to spend less than an hour in Montplier but my time there will be time well spent.

Please come tour with me but be prepared to travel back a few generations in time. If you do decide to follow along I promise the city will lure you in with its charming ways and old-fashioned, timeless character.

Description & Pics

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