F R I E N D S tj|tl|in|ca|st


New York, New York

Friday, October 15, 2004

I've known Monica for a few years now. We both were living in Portland, Oregon when we met but she soon moved away to Oklahoma to be with her family. During our short time together she proved to be a sweet, fun-loving, happy-go-lucky soul with a strong, courageous heart. At one time I recall going to the Oregon State Fair with her and was pleasently surprised to learn she was totally game for all the scary rides, including the infamous Octopus!

Monica is multi-faceted. Fluent in Japanese, years ago she spent a good measure of time working in Japan as an interpreter. She now works in New York City, concentrating her talents within the realms of Human Resources. She has extensive experience in training/coaching and has even written a book on nutrition.

I imagine if she was deserted on a desert island, if given the choice between a hammock, a book of matches, or a pen and paper, hands-down she would pick the pen and paper. Her true passion lies in writing. Always thinking about the twists and turns of plots and storylines, she is a very creative individual who's imagination is left-field of center, meaning she has a knack for tying things together, like infusing the historical with the mystical, just one of her many interesting literary combinations.

After she moved away I lost contact with her for a while. One day I stumbled across her email address and sent her a note, not knowing if she'd get it. Well, she got it and since then we've been corresponding to keep abreast of the events in each other's life. When she learned I was going to be on the east coast, she suggested meeting somewhere along the way and I quickly agreed. We eventually settled on meeting up in Maine in the fall.

We had fun in Maine, the rugged coast, the colorful forests, the seafood, the quaint New England towns. Everyone should be so lucky to have such an enthusiastic and energetic travel partner as I had in Monica.

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Winooski River near Montpelier, VT
Long Neglected Boat, Newport City, OR
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
Buffalo near Grand Tetons, WY
Fortynine Palms Oasis, Joshua Tree National Monument, CA
Christmas Manger, Friend’s Family Christmas Party, San Diego, CA
Union Pacific Rail Line, Central Utah