B U N S E N   P E A K

Yellowstone National Park
Northwestern Wyoming

Saturday, August, 7, 2004

Hike: #2

Location: 5 miles south of Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, in Yellowstone National Park

Distance: 3.5 miles out and back

Elevation Change: 1,200 feet

Tread: Dirt trails, mountaintop

Miles/Time/Avg: 3.5/1:30:00/1.75

Rating:   (5 max)

Today is a day of Zen, hiking Zen that is. It's all about Yin and Yang. Two hikes, two polar opposites. My upcoming hike of Bunsen Peak is Yin, the female aspect, gentleness. My earlier hike up Sepulcher Mountain was Yang, the male aspect, ruggedness.

It's always good for the soul to strike a balance in life's activities and today is a perfect example of doing just that. I'm glad my Yang hike is out of the way and I can now throttle-back and enjoy my Yin hike.

Bunsen Peak looks like an isolated bump in the distance as I approach it from the north. Funny, when I think of peaks, I think of big mountains like the Himalayans. The elevation change on my hike to the top is supposed to be only 1,200 feet. I think Bunsen Bump is a more appropriate name. Well, my guess is whoever this Bunsen character is, he wanted the geological feature with his name on it to sound as awesome as possible. Hmmmm, bump or peak, bump of peak. Ummm, it's not a hard choice when trying to elevate your legacy.

Well, enough rambling, my hike is almost underway. You coming? If you do you'll get a whole lot of Yin in the process. Still skeptical? Well, I'll peer into the future for you. What do I see? Wow, there's a big surprise at the top of the peak! I promise you you'll not want to miss it.

Description & Pics

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