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P L E A S A N T   M O U N T A I N

Southwestern Maine

Saturday, October, 17, 2004

Hike: #8

Location: In Southwestern Maine near Bridgton, Maine.

Distance: 4.6 miles

Elevation Change: 1,457 feet

Tread: Forest path, slick rock

Miles/Time/Avg: 4.6/2:15:00/NA

Rating:   (5 max)

The highest mountain in Southern Maine, Pleasant Mountain is a point of interest for hikers, hunters, birdwatchers, snowmobilers, and skiers. Not surprisingly, the area supports a variety of interesting flora and fauna as well. My friend Bill suggested that Monica and I give the ole mountain a looksee. Being the highest point, it should provide an excellent overlook to the surrounding forest that is near peak in color.

Monica and I are ready to hike the mountain. Come along with us.

Description & Pics

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