M O N U M E N T S tj|tl|in|ca|st

M O U N T   S T .   H E L E N S
N A T I O N A L   V O L C A N I C   M O N U M E N T

Southwestern Washington State

Thursday, July 8, 2004

Monument: #1

Established: 1982

Acres: 110,000

Highlights: Active volcano (eruption potential), mountain climbing, hiking, camping, steam vents.

Location: Mount St. Helens, Washington State

Hours: Open year round.

Fees: $15 - climb to crater rim (falling in - priceless), $5 daily, $30 annual - Northwest Forest Pass

Phone: (360) 274-0962

Link: Official Website

Rating:   (5 max)

In 1980, Mount St. Helens blew approximately 1,500 feet of her top and in the process created a huge mess. Fanning out north of the mountain's crater, the eruption's hot ash cloud scorched and scoured the valleys below, killing everything in its path for miles upon miles. Two years after the famous eruption, the mountain and the surrounding area was officially deemed a National Monument by the President and Congress. While tragic, the bright side of the eruption's aftermath provided a unique environment for scientific study. Scientists could now observe the slow return of plant and animal life to this once vibrant forest.

I'll only touch upon the southern reaches of Mount St. Helens as I pass through the area. To suppliment things, I've dug up a few old pictures I took a number of years back when I hiked to the mountain's crater rim.

Come with me for a quick peak at this amazing volcano.

Description & Pics

Monument 1 2 3 4 5 6   >>>

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