O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

B O R N   T O   B E   W I L D

San Juan Island, Washington

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

If you own a dog and motorcycle, be afraid, be very afraid. As this photo attests, it's possible your best friend is going to take your prized ride out for a little spin. And worse yet, that little joy ride may end at the local pub. From the photos, it seems he's had more than his fill and is all saddled up for the journey back home. Unfortunately, the suds has clouded his judgment and eye sight.

I don't have the heart to tell him he's sitting on the bike backwards. Since he's obviously drunk, I try to take away his keys but can't find them, so he must kick-start the bike? Surprising, he looks so small. Maybe the owner has two dogs and the other dog (and driver), a Labrador Retriever, is still in the bar finishing up a game of pool?

This spectacle is happening outside a nice little bar in Friday Harbor, Washington, called Herb's Tavern. I walk inside and hang out for a beer and some karaoke. I ask around about a dog playing pool but they all look at me a little funny. So, I guess we'll never know the full story about the little doggie biker.

Mystery is sometimes a good thing, let's the imagination run a little wild and makes for better stories. And we all know that life is all about having good stories to tell.

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Mean Streak, Cedar Point, OH
Big Sur, CA
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Old Faithful Area, Yellowstone
Somewhere in Central Utah
Glacier National Park, Logan Pass
Sea Otter, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA