O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

S T E E L   I N D I A N S

Central Montana

Thursday, July 29, 2004

While driving the big sky highway betweeen Glacier National Park and Helena, Montana, I make the acquaintance of this unusual metal apparition. There's no plaque announcing its purpose or intent, leaving the viewer to formulate their own theory as to its meaning. It is some sort of theme piece. Completely comprised from recycled car parts, it appears to be a tribute to the Indians who were once indigenous to Detroit, Michigan? If so, what is it doing way out here in Montana?

After a closer look, I notice the car parts are from vintage cars, cars at least 40 years old. I really like the steel cable/wire simulated horsehair, clever. My guess as to the identity of the artist? The artist is male, probably a Blackfoot Indian (I'm passing through Blackfoot country at the moment), a car mechanic who has a good measure of artistic talent, welding skills, and a surplus of old car parts he earmarked over the years for this masterpiece, his tribute to his people.

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Hope Diamond, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Various Planes, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Sentinel Mesa, Big Indian, Bear and Rabbit Summit, and Stagecoach, Monument Valley, AZ
The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
Yuccas, Joshua Tree National Monument, CA
East and West Window Arches, Arches National Park, UT