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Provincetown, Massachusetts

Thursday, October 21, 2004

On the outskirts of Provincetown, Massachusetts I stumble upon a rusty anchor and a couple of other strange artifacts that are marine related, but, are unknown to me. They're all sitting atop a pile of sand just outside an apartment complex. The anchor is really huge, and I wonder just how big a ship it was once attached to? Next to it are two large steel balls, probably markers of some sort that once floated on the water's surface? They must have been fixed in position, perhaps with some kind of anchor? I don't have a clue what the third picture is.

I'm not sure if this whole conglomeration is visually pleasing or not. What do you think? Part of me is categorizing it with the gaudy "yard art" you see every so often. Other such sights include anything using old, worn-out tires, the painting of tree trunks with a white ring, and appliances and junk cars strategically placed out on a front lawn.

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Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
East and West Window Arches, Arches National Park, UT
Big Sur, CA
Colorful Fall Foliage, Acadia National Park, ME
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
The Badlands, SD
Panda, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA