O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

P O L I T I C A L   D O G

College Park, Maryland

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

While waiting for the train in College Park, Maryland, I take a close look at this billboard. Clearly, this pooch has a political axe to grind against President George W. Bush.

Why? Well, could it be the President has supported legislation that has matted this dog's fur? Or perhaps the issue is far simpler, the dog is jealous of the President's dog Barney, a Scottish Terrier? According to the First Lady Laura Bush, "Barney's got a lot of friends", and rest assured, these friends are very, very powerful people who give Barney really, really expensive dog treats.

I wonder if the President is aware that there are beings, outside his species, who wish him a radioactive downfall? Perhaps it would be prudent to alert him, so he can be on the guard against both 2-footed and 4-pawed terrorist threats?

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Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
Bike Dragging Fun, Zion National Park, UT
Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
Christmas Tree outside Kodak Theater, Hollywood, CA
A Syncline Thrust Fault, Bighorn National Forest, WY
Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ