O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

G R E E N   M O N K E Y   B R A I N S

Washington D.C.

Friday, October 29, 2004

If monkey brains were ever green, this is what they would look like. Surprisingly, this abomination actually grows from a tree. It appears to be some sort of elaborate seed casing, providing ample nourishment to the contained seeds via a thick fibrous pulp. Imaging walking under such a tree and getting hit in the head with a seed casing. Ouch!

In the past, I've heard of the term, "monkey brains." After a little digging, I uncover an disturbing dining ritual. Stop reading now if you are squeamish. Some say it's fact, and others say it's fiction. Imagine this. You and your friends are sitting around a table with a small round hole cut in the middle. Suddenly, the head of a monkey thrusts up through the hole. Restrained from moving, someone swoops in with a saw, and proceeds to open up the monkey's brain case, exposing the monkey's live, pulsating brain.

You and your friends then proceed to scoop portions of the live monkey brain into your mouths, savoring the flavor with each and every chew. Can you picture yourself in this precarious dining situation? I know I certainly can't. Let's just hope this is simply legend, for the monkey, and for all others involved.

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