O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

A L I E N   E X P O S E D

UFO Museum & Research Center
Roswell, New Mexico

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Have you ever seen an alien? How about a naked alien all battered, bruised, and worse for wear? No? Well, if you ever get the urge to see such a sight, albeit fake, just make your way to the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico.

On display in the museum you'll find an exhibit of props used in Showtime's Roswell movie. The fantastical version of the famous Roswell Incident describes the purported discovery of two alien spacecraft pilots at the scene of a crash site in 1947 50 miles outside of Rowell, New Mexico.

According to eyewitness reports, the aliens were about 4 feet tall, bipedal, four fingered, and had really big heads and eyes. You know, the typical alien that we've all see in the movies or in illustrations. I don't know about you, but I think they're an ugly bunch with their clothes on, let alone without clothing. I suppose it's all relative. If aliens do exist, I suppose they would see humans as hideously ugly. Well, probably not Michelle Pfeiffer. It's a well know fact that she's considered the most gorgeous being in the Universe, at least by my standards.

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