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G R A N D   T E T O N   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Northwestern Wyoming

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Park: #5

Established: 1950

Acres: 309,995

Annual Budget: $9,351,000 (FY 2004)

Visitors: 2,466,543 (FY 2003)

Highlights: Grand Teton Range, 7 morainal lakes, 100 alpine lakes, 300 bird species

Location: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Phone: 307-739-3300

Fees: $20 (7 days), $40 (annual); Allows entrance to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks

Hours: Open year round

Link: Official Website

Top Pics: 19 Images

Rating:   (5 max)

Located just south of Yellowstone National Park in the northwestern corner of Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park's central feature is its 40-mile long Teton Range. 8 peaks in the range top out at over 12,000 feet, with the highest, of course, being Grand Teton, measuring in at a whopping 13,770 feet. Water is everywhere in the Tetons. Along the base of the Grand Teton Range you'll find 7 morainal lakes. For more secluded water experiences, you can hike deep into the backcountry and visit the park's 100+ alpine lakes.

The park supports a variety of large animals including black bear, bison, moose, elk, pronghorn, and mule deer. Grizzly bears are present too and have been occasionally observed in the northern confines of the park. Bald eagles and peregrine falcons are two of the more that 300 species of birds that can be observed at Grand Teton.

My visit to the park will take place on the saddle of my road bike. The day is a gloomy one but the rain is holding back. My fingers are crossed that I'll stay dry today. I guess we'll see.

I'm all saddled up and I've got an extra bike for you. So come on, jump on and let's ride.

Description & Pics

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