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L A K E   C H A M P L A I N   F E R R I E S

Port Kent, New York to Burlington, Vermont

Monday, September 27, 2004

Sight: #15

Location: Burlington-Port Kent Ferry Route

Hours: Open year round

Admission: $14.75 one way, $27.00 round trip - car and driver, add more for passengers.

Phone: (802) 864-9804

Links: Official Website | Email

Rating:   (5 max)

Need to get across Lake Champlain? Well, look no further, Lake Champlain Ferries is at the ready to assist you with your lakewater crossing. Offering three convenient crossings, the company provides passage from Plattsburgh, NY to Grand Ise, VT, from Port Kent, NY to Burlington, VT, from Essex, NY to Charlotte, VT, all from the comfort of your vehicle. Don't wish to sit in the car? Well, just mosey on up to the ferry's second floor for enclosed comfort and refreshments.

I'm ready to cross the lake, just sitting here in the van, waiting patiently in line for the next ferry to arrive. Come on, jump in and cross the lake with me.

Description & Pics

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