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C A D I L L A C   M O U N T A I N   S U N R I S E

Acadia National Park, Maine

Friday, October 8, 2004

Sight: #18

Location: In Acadia National Park near Bar Harbor, Maine

Link: Official Website

Admission: Free!

Rating:   (5 max)

Today will be a day I will never forget. In a few moments I will accomplish what few people have accomplished. And all I have to do is stand around. Yes, that's right, just staaaaaaaaaaaaaandin' around is all I'll do. So, what is the big event you ask? Well, very shortly I'll be the first person today to see the sunrise in the United States. Wow, now that's a "huge" accomplishment for a night owl like myself. I can probably count on both hands how many times I've witnessed a sunrise, and I very well may have a free digit or two.

The top of Cadillac Mountain holds the US eastern seaboard's high elevation prize. Standing a tall 1,530 feet above sea level, every clear morning the mountaintop receives the sun's first rays before any other parcel of land within the United States.

Hey, the lightshow is about to begin. Drag yourself out of bed and accompany me for this once in a lifetime event.

Description & Pics

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