B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

F I F E S   R I D G E

Snoqualmie National Forest
Central Washington State

A couple of parting shots before I hit the trail once again.

Here's a little natural artwork for the day. This tree bark at the viewpoint looks like an MC Escher drawing with it's interesting geometry and coloration.

On the way down, back to the trailhead.

The ride turns out to be a good one, glad I picked it. I persevered to the top of the trail despite the seemingly cyclical illusion of hill after hill on the trail's ascent. I learned something about sweat management on the ride. The next time out on the bike I need to tie a rolled-up bandana around my head to keep the sweat from getting into and stinging my eyes. Having no hair, the sweat on my head encounters no barriers and has free access to my face.

Out of a maximum rating of 5 thumbs-up, this trail receives a solid 4 thumbs.

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