T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

R O A D   T R I P   T O   S P O K A N E ,   W A

Monday, July 19th 2004

I guess it was a good thing I parked only in the most exclusive neighborhoods as opposed to just anywhere when I was up in Vancouver. There is nothing worse, aside from a missing van, to see a broken window after coming back from a long day of bike riding. Makes one feel rather violated.

With returned keys and license in hand, I make my way back to the van to continue my adventure. While pulling out I snap a few parting shots and as I was driving away I see Agent Sim walking to his car, having just finished his shift. He gets my attention and points to a parked pickup truck nearby with a broken back window, just to prove his point I guess. I then pull up to him and ask if I could take his picture for the website. With a smile on his face he responds with a single word. NO! Oh well, it was worth a try.

From US Customs I continue South on I-5 for a bit and don't see a whole lot. As they say, travel the country via the Interstate and you'll see next to nothing.

Fortunately, the scenery starts to spice up once I exit I-5 and head East on SR-20, the North Cascade Highway. Life is good once again. Taking the SR-20 route actually adds about 2 hours to my trip but it is definitely worth it. Supposedly there's a book called Blue Highways that'll educate you on many interesting backroads that are a ways off the beaten path. I'm sure SR-20 is in that book.

As I drive I start to encounter large meadows surrounded by foothills. Farming, both cattle and produce, appears to be the predominate industry in these parts.

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Holstein cows, Carr Valley, WI
Old Faithful Area, Yellowstone
Crashing Waves, Mission Beach, CA
Street Band, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Whiteface Mountain Gondola Lift, Whiteface Mountain Ski Resort, Wilmington, NY
The Badlands, SD