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C E N T E N N I A L   T R A I L

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

My last long bike ride was on San Juan Island exactly one long week ago, so needless to say I'm feeling like a bit of a slacker at the moment. To make amends for my lazy ways I really need to get some serious mileage under my belt. My good buddy Gil tells me about a really nice paved bike trail, the Centennial Trail, that runs alongside the Spokane River between Spokane, WA and Coeur D'Alene, ID.

So the Centennial Trail it is! The trip will be a 100-mile round-trip kinda ride. Since there isn't a whole lot of elevation change between the two cities it will also be a speedy jaunt. So in preparation I pack two full water bladders and stuff my pack with dried fruit, peanuts and energy bars. It am pregnant with potential energy, my organic battery pack will carry me through the trip, mile after mile.

To honor my man Lance Armstrong and his wearing of the yellow jersy, I don my own yellow jersy and ready myself for my century ride. I am confident I'll finish, I'm just not sure when. It's around noon when I leave so I have a whopping 10 hours to finish it.

Click here for more detail (and pictures) on my century ride.

Mission accomplished! I feel a little drained at the finish but strong enough to ride more if I had to.

At this point I have dinner then crash. Tomorrow will surely be a day of rest.

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Badger Pass, Yosemite National Park, CA
Somewhere in Southwest Utah
Statement of the Obvious, Southern Tenessee
Gold Vein, Phoenix Gold Mine, Idaho Springs, CO
Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC