T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A C A D I A   N A T I O N A L   P A R K   -   D A Y   # 2

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Clear skies and a brilliant sun greet me mid-morning as I wake. After rubbing the sleep out of my blurry, squinting eyes, I respond to the sun's warm, welcoming rays by lounging around the campsite until almost noon. After thoroughly enjoying the sunshine, I get down the business of planning the day's biking activities. Today I'm feeling a bit peckish for some road biking buffet.

My planned route will take me on a clockwise jaunt around Mount Desert Island. The ride promises a variety of scenery including forest, mountain, and ocean settings.

Click here for more detail and pictures of my picturesque island tour.

After my ride I arrive back at the campsite, clean up, then drive out to Testa's in Bar Habor to dine on not one but two Maine lobsters! To top things off, I wash everything down with locally brewed Cadillac Mountain Stout. Yummm, dark beer!

I tackle the twin crustaceans with two sturdy forks. The seafood treat serves as a warm and tasty reward for my chilly day in the bike saddle. After dinner I drive back to the campsite where I cap off my evening with a little work on the website before hitting the hay.

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Kalispell, MT
Old Rusty Farm Equipment, Southern Tennessee
Bighorn National Forest, WY
I’m finally home!!! My trip is a WRAP!!!
Upper Falls, Canyon Area, Yellowstone
Glacier National Park
Petrified Landscape, Petrified National Forest, AZ