T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A   F U N   D A Y   I N   N E W   O R L E A N S

Friday, November 12, 2004

Sleeping in until 10am just because I can, I pull my lazy body out of bed and make preparations for a day of touring New Orleans. I wish to concentrate on the city's French Quarter because that's where most of the action is, from architecture to music to clubs to shops to just about anything and everything one can find in a festive environment, cuz New Orleans is allllllll about partying.

Today looks to be a carbon-copy of yesterday. Where's the blue sky? Don't you want to come out and play with me today? Too bad, it's nowhere to be found and their's talk of rain in the weather forecast, oh no! Well, let's just hope the rain stays away because I'll be outside most of today touring the Big Easy. Since I'm parked only a few miles from city center, I decide to ride my bike to the French Quarter rather than take the van and struggle to find a parking spot.

Before I go I wish to take a photo of me and my bike for posterity. Since there's usually never anyone around whenever I want to take a photo of myself (and even if there was, I'd still do it myself), I resort to opening the van door and placing the camera on the seat. As you can see, my test shot is a total failure. Not only is the picture crooked, the primary subject (me) is missing.

Oh, there we are. After a few iterations I finally get a halfway decent shot. Well, actually it sucks, but the clock is ticking and I have to get my tour started. As a note, for some reason my white t-shirt was sticking out the bottom of my jacket. It took until the last shot for me to finally notice. D-uh!

Rather than present my touring day chronologically, I've decided to arrange things categorically instead. Following along on a chronological tour would be rather confusing because, I suspect, most sights will be encountered in random order and thus similar sights (ie, clubs, music, architecture, etc.) will be be spead across a good portion of the day. I'll just corral things up and go from there.

Click here for more detail and pictures of my tour of New Orlean's historic French Quarter.

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Iron Ore Meteorite Fragment, Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, AZ
US Supreme Court, Washington, DC
Various Planes, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Funky Cable Stays on Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, Denver, CO
Double Arch, Arches National Park, UT
Greg’s Blue and Gold Macaw (Samantha), Minneapolis, MN
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC