T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A   D A Y   O F   R E S T

Sunday, November 21, 2004

On long, active vacations, such as the one I'm on now, sometimes you need to just chill out and get some good ole rest and relaxation. No touring, no driving long distances, no new sites or sounds. Today is just such a day.

Up and at'em at 8:30am, Paul and I hang around his apartment for a bit, then make a trip out to see his folks. After a short drive we arrive at their front doorstep, the time has arrived to make some new friends. After initial meetings, we get down to some good conversation. Paul has always spoken highly of his parents, he is a good son, so easy to be good with such a super set of folks. I enjoy their hospitality very much.

During my visit, I learn that Paul's mom, Sylvia, is an avid sower. Look at all of the colorful material she uses in her craft. All of this reminds me of my grandmother's supplies, she was a master of the needle and thread as well.

Here are just a few examples of her work. Very nice indeed. Seems only fitting I snap a picture of the artist as well, no? Well, I try my hardest to get her to agree to a picture, but, she refuses, sorry. You'll just have to use your imagination on this one.

Now, it's Paul's turn, he's talented too. Here's some of his handywork. He helped landscape his parents back yard.

Here's what it looks like without all that nasty white stuff. Funny, there's no grass to mow. Hmmmm, I wonder, was Paul on the hook to mow the lawn? To get around that he had this brilliant idea of re-landscaping the yard?

Lastly, adjoining the backyard is a deck that Paul and his brother built. Look at the precision of the board spacing and fastener placement.

I know, I know, today I don't have breathtaking pictures of mountains, canyons, statues, historical artifacts, etc. But, you have to remember, I'm on a vacation from my vacation, if that's at all possible.

After saying goodbye to Paul's folks, the day slowly winds down. We have dinner at an all you can eat buffet, then head back to Paul's apartment. I work for a while on the website until 10:30pm rolls around the clock dial, then I hit the hay. Tomorrow is another day, I think I'll tour the Coors Brewery in Golden, CO for starters.

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Prev Day

Gold Nugget, National Miners Hall of Fame and Museum, Leadville, CO
Moonwalk, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC
Badger Pass, Yosemite National Park, CA
Lake Champlain Ferry, Port Kent, NY
Colorful Chairs, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory, Waterbury, VT
Chinese Grauman Theater, Hollywood, CA