B I K I N G tj|tl|in|ca|st

R I O   G R A N D E   D E L   R A N C H O

Taos, New Mexico

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Bike: #19

Location: 5 miles south of Taos, New Mexico.

Distance: 13.5 miles

Climb Elevation: 500 feet

Tread: Singletrack and doubletrack

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 13.52/1:43:32/7.8/19.7

Rating:   (5 max)

The Rio Grande del Rancho Trail is an out-and-back outdoor byway that shares its scenic offerings with bikers, joggers, and horseback riders. Boasting as one of the best scenic mountain bike rides in the Taos area, the surrounding foothill forest is filled with towering pinon and juniper. The trail promises to be an easy one, with the exception of one small a rocky section.

Given my current stamina and health (I'm out of shape and feeling the early affects of respiratory illness) the trail is much welcomed, for it is one of the few easy ones given the plethora of really hard trails indigenous to this mountainous section of northern New Mexico.

Come along with me and experience the shame of my high altitude struggle and toil on this easy and unassuming novice trail. There's a little surprise midway into the ride, you don't want to miss it.

Description & Pics

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Wright Brother’s Flyer, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
USS Constitution, Boston, MA
Atop Mount Marcy, Adirondack State Park
1000 Year Old Pueblo, Taos Pueblo, NM
City Garden on Beacon Street, Boston, MA
Hoover Dam, AZ
Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA