T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

D A Y   O F   R E S T

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Out comes one, then another. Yeee Haaaww!

The artist with his artistry, with a little help from Uncle Donald, of course. Thanks Uncle Donald!

Okay, time for a group photo for posterity. Here's the "setup" shot.

Oops, I sliced Uncle Don's head, so sorry. I'm such a picture hog.

Ahhh, here's a good shot.

The rest of the day/evening is spent with us getting some dinner and talking more. The evening winds down and I find myself working on the website for a few hours. Soon enough, the bewitching hour arrives (it's Halloween ya know) and I hit the hay. I opt to sleep in my van because, after all, it sports a TempurPedic mattress.

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The Lucky Bucket, Phoenix Gold Mine, Idaho Springs, CO
Wright Brother’s Flyer, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Somewhere in Northeastern Arizona
Somewhere in Central Utah
Bighorn National Forest, WY
Big Sur, CA
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone