T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

G O L D   H I L L   N O R T H

Monday, July 26, 2004

Jesus it's hot, I'm sweating like a pig. So I strip down as naked as the law allows and I'm still hot, probably due to the high humidity. Good thing most of the bike ride will be under forest canopy.

I'm feeling a bit drained from the heat, but as luck would have it, I spy myself some free pick-me-ups across the way. Not sure if the first picture shows thimbleberries and the remaining show raspberries, but one thing for sure, they are Mmmm, Mmmm good.

While milling around, getting ready for the bike ride, I discover some human ingenuity parked next to the van. Replacing a broken side mirror with a factory part can be pretty expensive, so the next best thing is to invent a replacement. Seems the replacement was broken as well, some pretty bad karma going on here.

I then start to wonder what is under the hood? Maybe 8 hamsters and a very large hamster wheel?

The time has arrived to feed my inner geek, so I go to the back of the van and pull out my inkjet printer. I need to print out the trail map and route instructions. I hate getting lost so whenever possible I always have a hardcopy map and instructions in hand (or pocket).

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Indian Petroglyph, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Cotton, Southern Tenessee
Big Sheep, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Mount Rushmore, Keystone, SD
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier, Mission Beach, CA
Somewhere in Northeastern Arizona
Tropical Fish, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA