T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

G O L D   H I L L   N O R T H

Monday, July 26, 2004

I always read up on a trail prior to departure. "Yeah, the trail looks pretty easy" I think.

The time has arrived to jump in the saddle and head on "up" the trail. My bike ride for the day, Gold Hill North, will take me up and down 1,650 feet with a round trip distance of 11.5 miles. The trail promises great views of both Lake Pend Oreille and Sandpoint.

Geeze I look all confident, little did I realize what I was getting into.

Click here for more detail (and pictures) of my bike ride on the Gold Hill North Trail.

On the way back to Sandpoint I catch this blood red sun casting a thick red tentacle over the lake and upon me as it slowly sets to the West. Caught in its grasp, all I can do was take this picture and wait for it to recede.

After sunset I drive back to Sandpoint's City Beach and jump into the lake to clean up. I then head downtown in search of some eats. I haven't been eating very well lately and am in need of a good home cooked meal. Fortunately, I don't have to wander far before happening upon Chez Spud's Rotisserie and Grill. Oh... My... God... Their 1/2 chicken meal is to die for. I have the best Caesar Salad ever and the rest of the meal is top-notch. So if you ever find youself hungry and in Sandpoint, ID, please do yourself a favor and go there, you won't be disappointed.

It is a nice, balmy evening so after my great meal I walk around the main drag for a little window shopping. I must say, Sandpoint, ID is a really nice place. It has a bit of a tourist feel to it but the town feels genuine and not at all jaded. A fine place for some kick-back fun and a great place to hang one's hat, if only for a little while.

A road trip is on my docket for tomorrow, going to Montana, gonna get me some Big Sky!

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Walk of Fame on Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA
Atop Mount Marcy, Adirondack State Park
Beale Street, Memphis, TN
Yale Lake, WA
Point Loma, CA
Fish in a Fish, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY