T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

D A Y   O F   R E S T

Saturday, July 31, 2004

The morning arrives and I find myself with a mini-view of Bozeman down below. I had parked the previous evening on a cul-de-sac in front of an empty lot with a view. A near perfect score! A perfect score would have somehow incorporated free beer. And a tall, free cool one right about now certainly would have come in handy. It's starting to get hot so the first goal of the morning is to hunt down some shade for the van. I pull up my GPS software and hunt for city park options.

Located nearby on Main and Buttonwood is Lindley Park. Perfect.

I park the van and start cooking my meal. It's late in the morning so I figure I'll just skip breakfast and eat lunch. But don't ask what it is. I'm still trying to figure that out myself. It is good though. And thanks to the bags of spaghetti holding the stove level, I don't have to eat my meal off the carpet because the pan slid off the burner.

While my meal is cooking a black VW pulled up alongside. I notice the driver is packing a lot of biking gear so I say hi and ask if he's on a road trip just like myself. What transpires thereafter is about 3 hours of in depth conversation that focuses primarily on his biking adventures and life experiences in general. Patrick turns out to be a very interesting fellow with an unquenchable thirst for extreme biking adventure and a high tolerance to the twists and turns that life sometimes throws at you. I admire his ability to roll with the punches.

After talking with Patrick I get down to business webmastering the site, spending a good portion of the afternoon and evening playing catch-up. Other than that I just take it easy and enjoy the day.

Tomorrow I have plans to visit the Museum of the Rockies. They've got dinosaurs there! Dead one's of course.

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Somewhere in Northeastern Arizona
The Whitehouse, Washington, DC
Badlands Sunset
Santa’s Train, Henrieville, UT
Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ
Bizarre Bicycle, Pacific Peach, CA
City Garden on Beacon Street, Boston, MA