F O R E S T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

B I G H O R N   N A T I O N A L   F O R E S T

Northern Wyoming

Curiously enough the road has turned red. They must have used the local rock when the built the road since red rock is everywhere.

Just rolling hills up here.

I start my way down the other side of the pass.

I spy a crumbling rock formation named Fallen City.

Many of the rock formations along the highway were labeled like this formation. Earlier I had seen one dating the formation at 2.5 billion years. Yowza!

Leaving Bighorn National Forest I run into this syncline thrust fault. You know, the geologists must love the highway department, all their hillside cutting has exposed this geological beauty.

Well, I've just pass through Bighorn National Forest. It was an interesting tour due to all the elevation gain and loss as I traversed the Bighorn Mountains from west to east. Too bad it's such a crummy day weather-wise. I rate my tour of Bighorn National Park a solid 4 thumbs-up out of a possible 5 thumbs.

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Grand Teton Range, WY
Somewhere in Central Utah
The Sentinel, Zion National Park, UT
Fungus encounter while hiking to Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Buffalo near Grand Tetons, WY
Zebra Shark, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Badger Pass, Yosemite National Park, CA