F A V O R I T E   M I S H A P S
F A V O R I T E   M I S H A P S

It sounds rather deranged to think about what one's favorite mishaps are. Mishaps are supposed to be a bad thing, there should be no favorites, right? Well, that's not quite true. You can certainly have a favorite mishap, perhaps because it was a mistake that you learned from, and as a result, made you a stronger, wiser person. Perhaps a favorite mishaps is fertile fodder for an interesting and entertaining story that gets told time and time again, much to the displeasure of loved ones who may have already heard the story a million times.

Past mishaps aren't particularly something that should be forgotten, they are just part of life. The key is to just be a good student and learn by their instruction.

For better or worse, here are my favorite mishaps.

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Highland Light, North Truro, MA
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Grand Teton Range, WY
Wright Brother’s Flyer, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Devils Tower, WY
Catholic Adobe Church, Taos, NM
Big Sur, CA