F A V O R I T E   P I C T U R E S
F A V O R I T E   P I C T U R E S

On my trip I managed to snap more than 53,000 digital pictures. From that massive pool of images, I've selected more than 500 of them as my favorites. Believe it or not, depending on the venue, some days I would snap more than 1,000 pictures. Needless to say, my cameras and I got a pretty good workout. So much so, I ended up wearing out two cameras on the trip.

I have to admit, however, I was a lazy photographer in some respects. Siding with the school of thought that "quantity drives quality", I decided early on during my trip to take only low-resolution pictures (640 x 480 pixels). Doing so provided me the capability to take more than 1,000 images before my digital camera's SD memory card would fill. The thought was, if I take tons of pictures, I'm bound to get a few "good ones", even if they are only low-resolution. Plus, the pictures needed to be web media quality, not print media quality, so why bother monkeying around with higher resolution.

At least that was the thought. In retrospect, I think I made the right decision. I certainly wouldn't have had the opportunity to shoot as many shots as I did had I operated differently. I effectively increasing my opportunities to experiment with the camera and the scenery I was shooting.

Of the 53,000+ pictures I took, only a small handful of them are truly spectacular in my opinion. Whenever I see them, I always find myself wondering if I had made the right decision regarding picture resolution. My only solace is the notion that had I not maximized my picture taking capability, I may not have had the opportunity to take them in the first place. So, maybe "quantity drives quality" makes a certain amount of sense after all.

Click here for a tour of my favorite pictures.

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Bloody Red Foliage near Saranac Lake, NY
Old Faithful Area, Yellowstone
Taos Pueblo, NM
Double Arch, Arches National Park, UT
Tall Sailing Ship, Bar Harbor, ME
Kodak Sports Park, Lake Placid, NY
Glacier National Park