O D D I T I E S tj|tl|in|ca|st

B O R E D   A L I E N S

UFO Museum & Research Center
Roswell, New Mexico

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

What do you get when you mix together an Anti-Matter Reaction Gravity Amplification Interstellar Spacecraft, a large wheat field, artistic creativity, and a lot of spare time to waste? You get crop circles, of course! At least that's what some folks would like you to believe. Characterized by large geometric patterns formed by the flattening of crops, regardless of who is responsible, whether alien or human, you just gotta know there's a slew of pissed off farmers out there somewhere wishing to kick some artist butt. Flattened crops mean unharvested crops, which boils down to less money made per acre for the growers.

Whoever is responsible for their creation, the fad started way back in the 17th Century and continues on to this day, predominately in Europe, and most frequently in England. Ahhhh, those silly Brits. Believe it or not, the study of crop circles has been given an official name, namely Cereology; whether derived from food (cereal) or from the Roman god of Agriculture (Ceres) is another matter altogether.

It's no surprise that the mainstream scientific community collectively believes that crop circles are indeed hoaxes, they are man-made, not alien-made. On the other end of the spectrum you'll find some pretty nutty folks who believe aliens, using Anti-Matter Reaction Gravity Amplification Interstellar Spacecrafts, have carved out each and every one of these geometric beauties. I must admit, I side with the scientists, however, I scratch my head when I look at them. Given their size and percision, just how do the pranksters do it?

Click here for more pictures of these artistic wonders, all contained within the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico.

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York Habor, ME