B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

W E S T E R N   N E W   Y O R K

After an uphill climb I turn right and head for a short ways to an intersection. From there I turn left and ride a ways until reaching another intersection. The ride is pretty exciting so far, don't you agree? Aren't you glad you decided to tag along?

The farm fields here just go on and on, the landscape is really rather flat around these parts. Growing up in a flat environment effectively fueled my long-standing struggles with appreciating grand vistas. This issue was only realized recently, as it was my first revelation of my cross-country trip.

I pass across the intersection and continue biking for a bit until I reach yet another intersection and turn left. Sorry, this may seem a bit boring but it's good for me, it is documenting an important pathway in my past life.

There used to be remnants of an old pole barn in this field but it has been since removed. It was actually only started, only the poles had been placed. It had been a solid, immovable fixture during my childhood and adolescence as I passed on by. It seemed rather strange, neglected and forgotten by its owner, it was simply suspended in time. My memory of this pole barn skeleton always runs to the forefront of my mind whenever I think back to the route that I'm now biking. The barn occasionally pops up in my dreams as well, so many years after leaving Western NY, maintaining a hold of some significance for me but I haven't a clue why.

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Somewhere in Central Colorado
Roadside Christmas Memorial, Twentynine Palms, CA
Holstein cows, Carr Valley, WI
Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
T-Rex, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Feisty Bird, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Downtown Area, Taos, NM