B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

W E S T E R N   N E W   Y O R K

I finally arrive at the outskirts of Oakfield but I still have a ways to bike before I reach the village center.

After I turn left then right, I bike a ways and pass by what we call the "swamps." This area is a wildlife refuge were migrating birds stop off for rest and refueling. This is just a very small piece of it, the area is really quite huge.

After a little more riding I see Lamb Farms. Located on the out-skirts of the village center, this dairy farm was pretty huge when I was growing up and I see it has expanded quite a bit since. I estimate they have more than a 1,000 head of cattle.

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Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Street Musician, Denver, CO
Grand Teton Range, WY
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Spirit of St. Louis, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Hope Diamond, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Kalispell, MT