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N A T I O N A L   M O N U M E N T   T O   T H E   F O R E F A T H E R S

Plymouth, Massachusetts

On each side of the monument's pedestal, directly under each of the 4 ancillary figures, I find a bas-relief scene illustrating an event from the Pilgrims' history. The first shows the Pilgrims boarding The Mayflower and beating feet to the New World. The second is that of the Forefathers drawing up the Mayflower Compact aboard The Mayflower, just prior to setting foot on Cape Cod. The third shows the Pilgrims' first landing. The forth and final scene shows the Pilgrims meeting with the local Wampanoag Indian Tribal Elders.

Here's what Mayflower Pilgrim William Bradford once said, Governor and Historian of the early Plymouth Colony.

Wondering who journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean in The Mayflower? Look no further, the monument has got you covered. 102 passengers took part in the adventure. Click here for a great resource on the details of The Mayflower Passenger List.

Unfortunately, like many good things, there's always some bonehead who's hell-bent on wrecking it for everyone else. Fortunately, this is the only place where I see the idiot's graffiti.

The time has finally arrived, I've completed my little sightseeing tour of the National Monument to the Forefathers. Standing back now and looking at the monument in its entirety, I must say, not only is it impressive in size, it is also impressive in the virtues it extolls. I think kids today could learn a lot from this monument, too bad it's not a popular as Plymouth Rock. I rate my sightseeing experience of the monument a solid 4.5 thumbs-up out of a total of 5 possible thumbs.

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