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I N T E R N A T I O N A L   U F O   M U S E U M
A N D   R E S E A R C H   C E N T E R

Roswell, New Mexico

Next to the UFO Hall of Fame I find the Research Library. Sorry, I'm just too weary to venture inside, so I just walk on by.

Finally, it's a wrap! My tour is over. It was certainly a taxing one because it lasted almost 4 hours. However, by all estimations, it was a good investment of my time. In addition to learning a great deal about the intriguing and mysterious Roswell Indicent, I'm also overflowing with a wealth of interesting UFO related information; facts, figures, and a multitude of other sundries that'll soon slip from memory because my little brain can only hold so much.

I rate my tour of the International UFO Museum and Research Center a solid 4 thumbs-up out of a possible 5 thumbs.

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Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, AZ
Ancient Sand Dunes, Arches National Park, UT
Spirit of St. Louis, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Three Gossips, Arches National Park, UT
Sunset, West Mitten Butte, Monument Valley, AZ
Somewhere in Southwest Utah
Malayan Tapir, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA