S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

C A D I L L A C   M O U N T A I N   S U N R I S E

Acadia National Park, Maine

I keep snapping away on the camera but all subsequent pictures are hopelessly underexposed. My camera (and most others) don't like to look directly at the sun. I don't, you don't, so why should the camera.

A few mentionables retrieved from the cutting room floor.

When the dust finally settles from my sunrise photoshoot, I begin to feel sufficiently rewarded for having hauled my sorry butt out of bed so early in the morning. While not a spectacular sunrise, it didn't suck either. Most importantly, I and all the other folks up here were the first people to see the sun in the United States on Friday, October 8, 2004. Since I'm a tall dude, standing a heightful 6'4", the odds are good that the first rays of the sun struck my pupil a fraction of a second before anyone elses. Which boils down to "me" being the first of the group to witness the sunrise. It's the stupid pleasures in life that keep me going, this is definitely one of them.

I rate my experience viewing the sunrise atop Cadillac Mountain a resounding 5 thumbs-up, a perfect rating!

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