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A R L I N G T O N   N A T I O N A L   C E M E T E R Y

Arlington, Virginia

The inspector turns around again and proceeds to address the gathered audience. He talks primarily about the significance and symbolism of the monument that his rank and file has been tasked to guard.

At the end of the relief commander's talk the soldiers all swing into action. The "fresh" guard walks onto the mat while the relieved guard walks away from the mat with the relief commander.

The Changing of the Guard Ceremony ends with the relieved soldier walking back to his quarters, soon followed by the relief commander.

The time has arrived to leave Arlington, with conclusion of the guard changing ceremony, the cemetery is now officially closed for the day. I can hardly believe I was able to see as much as I did in the scant 30 minutes I gave myself to tour the cemetery. Between the JFK memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, the Changing of the Guards Ceremony, and the beautifully manicured and maintained grounds, one cannot help but place a visit to Arlington high on their favorites list.

Arlington well deserves a 5 thumbs-up in my book, a perfect rating!

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