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U . S .   N A T I O N A L   A R C H I V E S   A N D
R E C O R D S   A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

Washington, D.C.

On my way out of the NARA I take a quick looksee into the Gift Shop.

I'm outta here!

Wow! That was a pretty good tour. In a single place one can see such important documents, including "The Big Three." I'm a little disappointed though. The lighting was too dim in the rotunda. While I understand why it has to be that way, it's still a bit discouraging because it is near impossible to get good quality pictures. Oh, well.

I give my tour of the U.S. National Archive and Records Administration 4-thumbs up, while not perfect, it's certainly a respectable rating.

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Bryce Canyon National Park, UT
Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, Washington, DC
1000 Year Old Pueblo, Taos Pueblo, NM
Big Sheep, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Big Sur, CA
Emerald Lake, MT