S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

T E N N E S S E E   S C E N I C   L O O K O U T

Central Tennessee

The rock face isn't the only thing defaced by the kids (I'm assuming kids did this, what adult would do such a thing). Not only has this picnic bench been painted up, someone has also kicked the stuffing out of it. Good thing it's made of concrete. Ahhh, there's the little bear again.

The nearby pole fence has been defaced as well. None of the graffiti posted here makes any sense. So maybe in addition to being artistically challenged, the authors of this mayhem are illiterate as well? Maybe a gang of monkeys is the cause of all this?

Running out of room on the rock face, bench, and pole fence, they've turned to the parking lot for a place to scrawl upon. Nothing is immune here. If I left my van here overnight, I'm pretty sure I'd come back to a neon colored vehicle.

Who are these people? Well, they smoke.

And they drink. I see no beer cans though. It must be easier for the kids to buy cigarettes than it is to buy beer.

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Polar Bear, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
African Bush Elephant, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Porter-Parsonsfield Historical Bridge
City Garden on Beacon Street, Boston, MA
Naval Cemetery, Point Loma, CA
Sculpted Corn Field, Carr Valley, WI
Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC