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T H E   A D I R O N D A C K S   -   D A Y   # 2

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Click here for more detail (and pictures) on my out-and-back hike of Mount Marcy.

Guess what? I don't have any pictures of my after-hike van-homecoming. Why? Because it is really, really dark. Yup, I pushed the time envelope a bit too far but I have a flashlight to light my way so no worries. I didn't run into any bears during my hike in the dark but my right knee is bothering me at the finish. It started hurting when I began my descent of Mount Marcy. I'm a little concerned now. Having a knee problem while on the road is a very bad thing. I've had knee pain in the past but fear this one may have opened a Pandora's Box to a plethora of problems. Only time would tell if I have opened the box.

After completing the 15 mile hike I find myself very much wiped out. Between the day's hike and the previous day's bike, I've certainly over done it by a wide margin. I'm not the spring chicken I used to be, I'm close to turning 40. So operating on very little energy reserves I drive back to the campground, take a shower, eat dinner, then download my pictures to my laptop. After the download completes I realize I have broken a record, I shot 482 pictures. Yowza!

After editing my new batch of pictures I go to bed and fall immediately to sleep. There's nothing like a good hike to usher in the Sandman.

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New Romance, Pacific Beach, CA
I’m finally home!!! My trip is a WRAP!!!
The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC
French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Petrified Landscape, Petrified National Forest, AZ
Natural Sand Art, Cannon Beach, OR
Church Ruins, Taos Pueblo, NM