H I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

S E P U L C H E R   M O U N T A I N

Yellowstone National Park
Northwestern Wyoming

Before I go too far an equipment check is in order. In addition to my bear spray, I've also brought along my bear bell. I tie it to one of my hiking boots to maximize its ringing effect. I wish to alert the bears to my presence as I hike through their habitat. I hope they don't recognize the ringing as their dinner bell. I guess we'll just have wait and see what happens.

On my way up and over a small bridge. According to the sign, 1/2 mile to go before the Sepulcher Mountain Trail strikes out on its own.

At the trail sign I hang a left then quickly realize it is at this junction where the trail becomes steeper. Looking over my shoulder I discover I've hiked high enough to have a nice view. The Rockstar drink I drank earlier in preparation for this hike has started to kick-in and I'm now flying up the hill. Red Bull, one of the Rockstar's competitors, has the tagline "Red Bull, it gives you wings!" I think Rockstar should change their tagline to "Rockstar, it gives you turbo jet boosters!"

Arriving at a high meadow and the slope starts to level out a bit.

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Siberian Reindeer, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Masquerade Masks, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Winter Home, Vail, CO
Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, AZ
Somewhere in Northeastern Arizona