M E M O R I A L Stj|tl|in|ca|st

W O R L D   W A R   I I   M E M O R I A L

Washington, D.C.

Germany gets special consideration today.

Looking at the entire Memorial, I notice practically no mementos have been left behind. I'm not sure if such activities are frowned upon, I can't imagine that is the case. In any event, here's an interesting one. It reads:

"B-17 Bomber Crew - 100th Bomb Group, from May 1944, flew 25 missions over Germany, shot down over Germany Nov 1944. All survived POW camps. All came home, and all lived to at least 60 yrs. Now all are gone. Thanks to each for keeping America free. Ages 18-23 yrs old."

Wow! This memento leaves me with so many vivid images of what these men did for their country, good stuff! Too bad there aren't more mementos to read, I find them fascinating.

Here's the Memorial's Rainbow Pool. The pool was actually here before the Memorial was erected. It was completely restored as part of the Memorial's construction. Over at the far end I see the Pacific pavilion, my next primary destination.

I decide it's time to make my way over to the Pacific pavilion.

Here are some shots of the 17-foot granite pillars. There are 56 of them, together representing each State, the District of Columbia, and each Territory that existed during the war period.

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Avid Photographer, Public Garden, Boston, MA
Dead Alien, UFO Museum Research Center, Roswell, NM
Buffalo near Grand Tetons, WY
Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC
Devils Tower, WY
Central Oregon Coast
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